The Bear Valley Springs Emergency Radio Team (BVSERT) has been a part of the Bear Valley Springs, CA community since 1999. Members of the team have regularly attended the BVS Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council meetings and offered their suggestions as to how the team and amateur radio operators or “Hams”, equipment, and systems can help support the Bear Valley Springs Community in the event of an emergency.
Keep in mind that emergency’s cannot be predicted, however, they can be prepared for. While programs such as Nixle, Red Flag, ReadyKern, etc. provide alerts in such emergencies, they are dependent upon the internet and cellular infrastructure to share or transmit those messages and alerts. If there is an emergency that downs the cellular network or overloads the system, amateur radio still works and can provide a “backup” to such communication failures. If the BVS Chief of Police activates the program, information that he provides will be relayed “word for word” over the radio system. This would provide for more timely and accurate receipt of information vs delays that might occur using the Nixle or related systems.
Amateur Radio has been instrumental in providing such communication lines in several national emergencies such as hurricanes, flooding, fires, and earthquakes. The BVSERT has already assisted the BVSPD during the recent Trotter Fire and was ready, if needed, to assist in the Rancho Fire.
DPAC has considered and is considering several methods of communication to alert the residents of Bear Valley in case of a “grid down” type of scenario. BVSERT submitted a proposal to DPAC and it was approved by the BVSCSD Board for a inexpensive method of informing the community through the use of specially programmed and inexpensive radios intended for Ham radio use.
While a license is required to transmit on these radios, the BVSERT would program the radios to work only in “listening” mode. The ability to transmit would be blocked so that the residents would not accidentally transmit and violate FCC regulations.
The residents of BVS would be able to donate $25 to the BVSERT, who in turn would provide them with a programmed radio and charger. The use of the radio and what to expect from them in an emergency will be shared to those who choose to donate and get the radio during workshops presented by the BVSERT.
Click here to Pre-Order your radio(s): BVS Emergency Radio Pre-Order Form
Still have questions, please visit our “Q&A” page: BVSERT Q&A Page
If your question is not answered on the Q&A page, please submit your question via email to us at: [email protected]