Our Photo Album

Photo Album
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2024 International DX Contest

The Tehachapi Amateur Radio Association's participation in the 2024 International DX Contest was hosted by its Technical Advisor Dick Brown and his wife CJ. The event was the best to date for club participation, contacts and points.

Trotter Fire - August 14, 2023

The Trotter Incident or Trotter Fire started at approximately 11:30 am on Monday, August 14th, 2023. The Bear Valley Springs Emergency Radio Team (BVSERT) was activated by the Bear Valley Springs Police Chief to support his department's communication efforts during the fire using amateur radio. The Chief's communications were not negatively affected during this incident, however, having the BVSERT available to relay critical information if necessary proved its worth.

Club Events and Activities

Album contains photos of our Member's projects and upkeep.

Club Breakfast - March 2023 at P-Dubs in Tehachapi

We had a great crowd attend our club breakfast at P-Dubs in Tehachapi! Thank you again to P-Dubs for accommodating us. We had 23 members and guests share breakfast and conversation together.

2023 International DX Contest

Several members joined Dick (W6SLZ) and his wife CJ to participate in this year's International DX Contest.

2023 Summits On The Air - Breckenridge Road

Micah KN6VUT. Today I attempted a SOTA activation up Breckenridge Rd near the KGET television towers. No contacts, but I think I activated every repeater I had programmed in my radios even on my Baofeng with whip antenna. Google satellite view looked like a nice relaxing walk. The satellite view does not give the incline that a Summit has the justice it deserves. I think I'll decline from hiking up mountains. Attached are some photos of my trek up the mountain. Now I'm going to take many meds and lie down.

2023 Winter Field Day

We passionately believe that ham radio operators should practice portable emergency communications in winter environments as the potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards present unique operational concerns. WFD is formatted to help increase your level of preparedness for disasters and improve your operational skills in subpar conditions.
Winter Field Day 2023.pdf

Comanche Point Road - 2022

Several Club Members gathered together for an exciting drive on Comanche Point Road. The trip started after breakfast at the P-Dubs Brew Pub (20800 Santa Lucia St, Tehachapi, CA 93561) at 10:35:55 am. After a short stop in Stallion Springs for gas the team was off to Arvin. In the group, we had Dan Mason (AB6DM), Valerie Mason (KK6WLQ), John Dyer (KM6DXY), Joshua Dyer (KN6HWS), and Dylan Durst (KN6QOQ). Providing "Over Watch" and monitoring APRS was Dick Brown (W6SLZ), and Will Perry (WA6LDQ). The total time for the trip was 2 hours and 20 minutes. This includes a couple of stops for gates along the route and photo ops. Testing along the trip included local simplex communications on 145.58, and repeater comms on the W6SLZ 2m repeater, the Cummings Mountain Repeater, and the Frazier Repeater. Dylan (KN6QOQ) also attempted DMR on a local Tehachapi system and could receive, however, he was not able to connect. Another trip is planned for early 2023 and will be held on a Saturday. We were able to connect with Tony Loera (K6GTA) in Arvin, CA for a quick lunch at Taco Bell. Next time: New Jarritos?
Track (12_23_22, 10_35_55).jpg

Annual Christmas Party - 2022

Members and Guests gathered for our Annual Christmas Party. This year we held it at Don Pericos Mexican Restaurant in Tehachapi. We think that it is safe to say that everyone had a great time. We certainly missed those that could not be with us.

2022 Ridge Rally, December 3, 2022 (Jawbone Canyon, CA)

Several club members volunteered their amateur radio skills in support of the 2022 Ridge Rally.

Field Day 2022 - June 24th thru June 26, 2022

The Tehachapi Amateur Radio Association conducted Field Day operations again at Brite Lake, Tehachapi, CA.

Our Photo Album is a collection of photos gathered here to help celebrate and share the events and activities of the club and our members. Take a look and feel free to share and make suggestions. As we grow so will our photo albums. We love what we do, what we build and we want to share those experiences with you. Pictures, as they say, are worth a thousand words.

Do you have something to share? A radio project, an expedition, a success story? Let us know. Send us a note and we’ll be more than happy to share your story.

Send your story to Share Your Story. Don’t forget your pictures!

For a list of our events and activities go to Events.

Become a member, we’re always looking to grow our club. Go to Membership.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information, and resources. Check them out here: ARRL