SSTV from Bakersfield, CA

Micah – KN6VUT

Micah -KN6VUT

This afternoon I spent some time practising SSTV.

I used a Baofeng UV-5 with a mic connected to my base antenna and a Chromebook running the “Robot36” Android app.

My mobile unit is a BTech 25×4 which I used with the Android app “Robot36” running on an old phone.

I was sending SSTV’s from different parts of Bakersfield using my car radio to transmit to my base at home.

I sent five photos to my house from different locations in Bakersfield. All the locations seemed to have a good steady signal strength.

This was all without direct wired plugs, using speaker to microphone on both radios.

My home base is near Oswell South of  Hwy 58 in a housing community.

Images sent from-

Burger King 34th and Union- 6 mile NW

Columbus East of Mt Vernon- 5 mile N

Fairfax and College- 3 mile NE

Oswell South of Niles 2 mile N

Oswell South of Edison Highway N 1 mile

Author: ac6ee

Tehachapi Amateur Radio Association (T.A.R.A.)

2 thoughts on “SSTV from Bakersfield, CA”

  1. Tried a few more spots around Bakersfield with Explorer QRZ-1 HT and my BTech UV-25X2 25w.

    No reception from locations in SW Bakersfield to my house in SE, appears to be too low, not line of sight.

    Did stop by Home Depot in East Hills and Target East Hills.

    Home Depot fair signal, obvious signal difference between Handheld and Mobile, but, there were variables. Inside car quiet and more power, outside less power, but also wind and traffic noise, but still amazed

    1. Thanks, Micah!

      We’ll share your results on the website and Facebook later today (Wed, 02/232/2023).


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