Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. This jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby amateur radio operator’s ham shack. Many times you can find the hams will come to you by setting up a station at your Scout camporee, at the park down the block, or perhaps at a ham shack already set up at your council’s camp.
Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams worldwide, around the nation, and in your community. This jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby amateur radio operator’s ham shack. You can often find the hams coming to you by setting up a station at your Scout camporee, at the park down the block, or perhaps at a ham shack already set up at your council’s camp.
Tell Me More
Scouts of any age can participate, from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and Venturers, including girls. Once at the ham radio station, Scouts of America communication typically involves talking on a microphone and listening to the station speakers. However, many forms of specialized communication may also be taking place, such as video communication, digital communication (much like sending a message on your smartphone but transmitted by radio), or communication through a satellite relay or an earth-based relay (called a repeater). The exchanges include such information as name, location (called QTH in ham speak), Scout rank, age, and hobbies. The stations you’ll be communicating with can be across town, across the country, or even around the world! The World Scout Bureau reported that the 2017 JOTA-JOTI had over 1.5 million Scout participants from more than 160 countries.
Field Day is ham radio’s open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.
Field Day is ham radio’s open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill, and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933 and remains the most popular on ham radio.
The Tehachapi Amateur Radio Association will be hosting its Field Day 2022 event at the Brite Valley Aquatic Recreation Area (aka Brite Lake) located at 22902 Banducci Road, Tehachapi CA 93561 under Pavilion 3 (Southwest) corner of the lake. Please use the gate code 2038398 to enter the park and make your way to Pavilion 3.
At 10:20 a.m. on October 20, 2022, millions of
people will “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” in The
Great ShakeOut, the world’s largest earthquake
drill ever! All non-profit organizations are
encouraged to participate in the drill (or plan a
more extensive exercise) and to inform the public
about the drill.
Get Ready to ShakeOut!
Why? Because when the adrenaline kicks in, you may not act safely if you haven’t practiced the Drop, Cover, Hold On drill before that moment. Don’t wait until the shaking – register at ShakeOut.org/register to practice earthquake safety with your community.
Invite everyone who matters to you to register and ShakeOut on October 20th. Everyone is welcome to participate – individuals, families, businesses, schools, government agencies, and organizations!
Have you checked out the “Just Because Net” yet? We hold an informal net every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm PDT just because. Visit and spend time with us, “On-Air”, on the W6SLZ 2m repeater.
Join us for the TARA Just Because Net Wednesday Nights at 1900 PDT.
The Net is held on the Bear Mountain W6SLZ repeater 146.700- MHz 123 Hz (PL). This is an informal Net started after Covid-19 to help us stay in contact with our fellow area Hams. NET Control usually calls for 3 check-ins at a time to start a round-robin discussion with a suggested topic. (Net control may choose to change this up if they like). Check-ins may discuss this topic or are encouraged to change the subject if they wish.
Membership in TARA is not required to participate in the Net.
We have had some great technical discussions in the past covering many subjects;
– Antennas
– Alternative Power
– Overlanding
– ConOps
– WinLink
– Virtual Expo
– FT-8
– BioEnno Batteries
– Go Kits
– WinLink
– Our favorite toy stores
– Ham Equipment For Sale
– Requests for Help
– Solutions to problems
If you have a question about a mode of operation, equipment, or anything amateur radio-related subject; chances are this group can help or point you in the right direction.
Good Food, Awesome People, and Great Conversation. Join us for breakfast every month on the 2nd Saturday of the Month at 8:30 am. Location will vary. You don’t even have to bring a radio, but you can!
Join us for the Tehachapi Amateur Radio Association Monthly Breakfast in Tehachapi. It’s a great opportunity to meet with friends and fellow “Ham” Radio operators from in and around the Tehachapi area. Good food, great people, and awesome conversations. Our monthly breakfast(s) have resumed and are held on the second (2nd) Saturday of every month at 8:30 am (Local Time). While an RSVP is not required, we’d love to know how many people can make it so that we can prepare the staff. See you there and bring your appetite. 73’s!
Registration is now OPEN for Virtual Contest University 2021 on May 20, 2021 and for 2021 Hamvention Forums on May 21, 2021. Both events are being held live through Zoom Webinar and are free. You must register to be included in the webinars. You need to register for each event (2) separately. Four Icom radios will be given away at each (2) virtual events (8 radios total). The radio drawing times are random and you must be registered and on Zoom present at the time of the drawing to win. Both events (2) will be recorded and available on YouTube at the conclusion of the events (2).
Registration is now OPEN for Virtual Contest University 2021 on May 20, 2021 and for 2021 Hamvention Forums on May 21, 2021. Both events are being held live through Zoom Webinar and are free. You must register to be included in the webinars. You need to register for each event (2) separately. Four Icom radios will be given away at each (2) virtual events (8 radios total). The radio drawing times are random and you must be registered and on Zoom present at the time of the drawing to win. Both events (2) will be recorded and available on YouTube at the conclusion of the events (2).
Join us for Breakfast at the “Mulligan Room”. Your RSVP is requested so that we can give the staff an idea of how many will be attending. To make your reservation, please contact Valerie Mason (KK6WLQ). If you need a Gate Pass, please let her know at that time.
“Just Because Net” We hold an informal net every Wednesday night at 7:00pm PDT just because. Visit and spend time with us, “On-Air”, on the W6SLZ 2m repeater.
Have you checked out the “Just Because Net” yet? We hold an informal net every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm PDT just because. Visit and spend time with us, “On-Air”, on the W6SLZ 2m repeater.
Join us for the TARA Just Because Net Wednesday Nights at 1900 PDT.
The Net is held on the Bear Mountain W6SLZ repeater 146.700- MHz 123 Hz (PL). This is an informal Net started after Covid-19 to help us stay in contact with our fellow area Hams. NET Control usually calls for 3 check-ins at a time to start a round-robin discussion with a suggested topic. (Net control may choose to change this up if they like). Check-ins may discuss this topic or are encouraged to change the subject if they wish.
Membership in TARA is not required to participate in the Net.
We have had some great technical discussions in the past covering many subjects;
– Antennas – Alternative Power – ARES – QRP – Overlanding – ConOps – WinLink – SOTA – Virtual Expo – FT-8 – DMR – BioEnno Batteries – Go Kits – WinLink – Our favorite toy stores – Ham Equipment For Sale – Requests for Help – Solutions to problems – NVIS
If you have a question about a mode of operation, equipment, or anything amateur radio-related subject; chances are this group can help or point you in the right direction.